For Sale

Vauxhall Chevettes and Cavalier cars and parts currently For Sale.
Welcome to the Cavalier and Chevette Club
Your friendly Vauxhall - Opel Club since 1994
© Cavalier and Chevette Club 2024 We acknowledgement to Vauxhall Motors Ltd
If you wish to advertise on this page, on the Club Members only Forum and in the club magazine please email our Advertisement Secretary Steve Nicholls on Deadline for Newsletter is: Spring 25th January, Summer 25th April, Autumn 25th July, Winter 25th October. All adverts will be placed exclusively on the club members forum for 2 weeks prior to it being placed on the club website for 3 months and going in the newsletter (Note if deadline for newsletter has passed then advert will only appear on the forum and website). No more than 6 pictures please. After 3 months the advert will be removed from the site. If you sell your car/parts before the 3 months has completed please let us know so we can remove the advert from the site and also stop it being published in the newsletter. There is no cost for club-members wishing to advertise cars and/or parts on the website. Club members adverts will stay on the website until we are advised the car and/or parts have been sold. Please forward any adverts along with you membership number to Jack and Irene. Please Note that advertising a car and/or parts with the club does NOT necessarily mean it/they will find a buyer.
Vauxhall Chevette’s For Sale. None at the moment. Vauxhall Cavalier’s For Sale. FOR SALE: Vauxhall Cavalier 1.8i LS 5-door None at the moment. Wanted. Spare parts wanted for Mk3 Vauxhall Cavalier. Items needed are a set of foot mats, a bonnet cable and an Ariel. If anyone can help please contact Steve on 07949 1865543. Parts For Sale. None at the moment. If you know of any Cavalier’s Mk1, Mk2 or Mk3/Chevette or associated models going for scrap please contact us - spares are no longer readily available in breakers yards. Page last updated: October024
Mileage is 64,857. 1995 model. It's been sitting in the garage for over 2 years since the owner gave up driving a while ago. He left the hand brake off but the wheels appear to be seized up and it will need to be towed, probably needs a new battery too, or just charging. Open to offers. Contact Julie Barrie